Build A Community That You Control

The importance of building a community around your content


Have you ever been freaked out by how dependent your YouTube Channel’s success is on YouTube’s algorithm and rules?  

What would happen if YouTube’s algorithm stopped serving your videos as frequently? Or a rule change at the social network caused your channel to lose steam?

These are all unpredictable things that can happen when you build your online presence on only one traffic source that you don’t control.

While social networks (like YouTube and TikTok) are super important and provide enormous benefit by giving creators a place to grow your viewership, they can also shut off your channel’s traffic and revenue source whenever they’d like, whether intentionally or simply through a change to their algorithms.

Having a website helps you mitigate this risk in several ways:

Build an Email List

If you ask any large creator, almost all of them will tell you they started creating an email list early on in their journey, usually by having a website that collects emails.

Being able to communicate directly with your viewers and supporters is a huge advantage. 

For one, you decide when and what you send them.  And, most importantly, that list can never be taken away from you.  You own it.

Some of the ways you can use email are:

  • Notify your email list of new videos and social posts (get that early traction that the algorithms love) 
  • Introduce your viewers to your other social channels (diversify your audience)
  • Sell stuff and send special offers (monetize)

Diversify across social networks


Use your website as a “hub for your socials”.  Showcase all your socials on your site and then funnel users there and allow them to choose their preferred network and content formats.

Someone may discover you on YouTube, but prefer to view content on TikTok.

Or, maybe they love your content and want to follow you on all social networks.

Pick up sponsorships

A website is great place to showcase yourself and ensure advertisers can learn more about you and, of course, get in touch.

Advertisers want to see all your socials and get to know you better before offering sponsorships.  Why not build a sponsorship page on your website that clearly communicates the size and value of your audience?

Build a free site now in 2 mins! Click here.

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